This interactive three-hour workshop functions like a biology lab. Together, we will dissect a piece of short fiction from the New Yorker, first by listening to the author read the story, and then by taking it apart piece by piece to examine the various aspects of craft. Specifically we will discuss: point-of-view, psychic distance, and how they can create tension. We will also study the story’s plot and structure to understand how the author holds the reader’s attention. And we will scrutinize the dialogue and prose, both of which are spare. How does an author accomplish so much with so few words? This workshop will be primarily conversational, almost like a book club. You must be a member of the Writers’ Alliance to attend and remember that membership is free to writers of colour. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time. Attendance will be capped at 30 and participants must register here. Deadline to register: January 4, 2023 @ 5 p.m. NST. Selected participants will be contacted by: January 9, 2023 @ 5 p.m. NST.
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